As of now, this blog is officially on hiatus. Possibly indefinitely. Go away.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I felt the need to make a blog post......but I really have nothing to say. G'day.
Posted by
10:45 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Lately, I've been fairly interested in several webcomics...Here are a few. Some are discontinued, like Staccato, but they're still all right.
Staccato Comic
Trunks and Soto
VG Cats
Penny Arcade
Fork You
Posted by
3:44 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Le Gasp
I r bax...Been caught up in...stuff. Yeah, stuff. But nao I has to go.
I r goneee~
Note from Wibs: Yeah, go vamoose your ass off. Dan's been involved in a relationship, so, yeah, he's been spending more time with friends too. Brian's gone too, now that I've mentioned Dan's hiatus. Uh, expect them to be back in a few weeks or so.
Note from Wibs: *pooof*
I r goneee~
Taken from usagispeak. Copyright 2007 baka.bunni
Posted by
10:59 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Stupidity shields.
I think this conversation was worthy of a blog post. Have fun~
Wibble: So uh
Wibble: Listening to any muzik?
Wibble: *poke*
Wibble: *puts on stupidity shield*
Wibble: *poke*
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: nope
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: i'm watching a movie
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: stab
Wibble: What movee?
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Death Note 2
Wibble: *stupidity shield absorbs*
Wibble: o_O
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: nukes
Wibble: Sounds...uh....murderous.
Wibble: o_O
Wibble: *stupidity shield absorbs*
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: its pretty good i think
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: and it cant aborb that
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: i thnk the manga was better
Wibble: Can too!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Can not!
Wibble: It's a *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD_!!!!
Wibble: Can too!
Wibble: They're stupidity shields!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Can not!
Wibble: Nothing can get past ignorance!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: ur stoopid!
Wibble: Exactly!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: can too!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: u DIE cuz of stupidity
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: so its the opposite!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: STOOPID
Wibble: No...
Wibble: My stupidity shield protects me from death.
Wibble: :3
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Yes...
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: no
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: ur stoopid
Wibble: Yep.
Wibble: Exactly.
Wibble: That's why I have a
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: NO!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: -__________-"
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: dont even say it
Wibble: *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD!_
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: >.>
Wibble: x]
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: those are defective!!!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: they dont work!!!!!!
Wibble: Not mine
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: especially urs
Wibble: Because I'm completely ignorant and stupid!
Wibble: :3
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: NO!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: u cant
Wibble: Well, you can't have a nuke...
Wibble: :P
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: can too
Wibble: Well then, I have an impenetrable *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD!_
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: IMPOSSIBLE
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: USO!
Wibble: So?
Wibble: If you have a nuke, I can have a *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD!_
Posted by
9:32 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Mandatory homework...
is absolute Jesus Christ monkeyfucking bullshit. Oy, teachers, don't give a shit about whether your students are getting enough concept practice. Leave their education in their own hands, would you? Seriously, sometimes we don't need fucking practice of what you taught. Maybe your fucking lecture already stuck everything into our minds? Eventually, if they start failing the class, they might be smart enough to know they need to review and do homework each night. If they don't, then they're not goddamn intelligent enough to be in the goddamn class.
And to those teachers who say stuff like, "I don't want you to fail this class," their grade doesn't affect you in any way. If you think you're a failure if one of your students gets a bad grade, blame it on them because it's their goddamn fault. It's their responsibility to ask questions if they don't understand something and to do homework if they need to. The rest of us might not; we absorb everything from your lectures. And if you just want them to get a high grade so they're happy, don't give them something they don't deserve. They're probably old and mature enough to know the amount of effort they put into tests, classwork, and such.
Oh, also, fuck requirement by law. If you're too pussy to make homework non-mandatory, then don't check it. Now, the law doesn't say you have to check it, do you? And since you didn't check it, you don't have to put it in the goddamn gradebook. Grades are for tests and classwork. Got that? Good. Now go kick some ass like Benton.
Posted by
4:18 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Weekly Album Feature
Ok, I've decide that I shall do a weekly album feature, where, obviously, I feature an album every week. So....this week's album is....
A remix album of their breakthrough album, Hybrid Theory, it was released in mid-2002 while Linkin Park was on tour. Quite different from the angsty nu-metal sound of Hybrid Theory, Reanimation largely features the work of rappers and DJs and such. This gives the album a dark hip-hop/electronic mood. If you are a fan of Hybrid Theory but wish it had more of the aforementioned hip-hop or electronic themes, or just like those themes in general, you should definitely give this album a try.
Posted by
6:51 PM