Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hey! Guess what!


Saturday, January 26, 2008


O hai. So, I wuz sik fur a weekz, but nao i'm bettur. Yu wuz all wurried aboot me pl0x?

Anyways, yeah, kind of a filler post to keep our page from stagnating.

Like Shirt Guy Dom comics on MegaTokyo.

Anyways (oh wow, I used that twice in a row), just chillin' out in my house right now...listening to the rain and wind outside my window. Yeap, there were tornadoes not far from here. Gasp! Tornadoes in Southern California?! What's next? North Korean human rights?

Political commentary aside, I have nothing else to say.

Have you ever had to hide out in a secret room while hiding from the Nazis?

No, seriously, were you ever Anne Frank? Oh, and, did you ever feel the need to travel west to California from Oklahoma dirt-poor? Also, were you ever shot down by your country's own soldiers in public? Yeah, really. STOP IT, FUCKERS.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Welcome back, welcome back...welcum baks kittehs!

[Yep, Wibs is back with a new name: Mephisto.]

O hai.

We're back! Yes, believe it or not Wibs and I have decided to finally revive the blag.
It originally died over a dispute over...stuff...but we're on better terms now.

Well, today's been really hectic. SoCal's been having a big storm for like the entire week, and today things just exploded. Thunder, lightning, heavy hail, you name it. Our trashcans got jacked by the street current too (I sense potential new inside joke). Hail pictures here.

Anyways, Wibs and I have been working on translating the Bible to Lolcat pidgin. It's really funny and you should probably check it out here. Check out our handiwork on Matthew 27, starting at verse 13.