Saturday, October 6, 2007

Stupidity shields.

I think this conversation was worthy of a blog post. Have fun~

Wibble: So uh
Wibble: Listening to any muzik?
Wibble: *poke*
Wibble: *puts on stupidity shield*
Wibble: *poke*

Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: nope
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: i'm watching a movie
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: stab
Wibble: What movee?
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Death Note 2
Wibble: *stupidity shield absorbs*
Wibble: o_O
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: nukes
Wibble: Sounds...uh....murderous.
Wibble: o_O
Wibble: *stupidity shield absorbs*
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: its pretty good i think
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: and it cant aborb that
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: i thnk the manga was better
Wibble: Can too!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Can not!
Wibble: It's a *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD_!!!!
Wibble: Can too!
Wibble: They're stupidity shields!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Can not!
Wibble: Nothing can get past ignorance!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: ur stoopid!
Wibble: Exactly!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: can too!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: u DIE cuz of stupidity
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: so its the opposite!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: STOOPID
Wibble: No...
Wibble: My stupidity shield protects me from death.
Wibble: :3
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Yes...
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: no
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: ur stoopid
Wibble: Yep.
Wibble: Exactly.
Wibble: That's why I have a
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: NO!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: -__________-"
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: dont even say it
Wibble: *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD!_
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: >.>
Wibble: x]
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: those are defective!!!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: they dont work!!!!!!
Wibble: Not mine
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: especially urs
Wibble: Because I'm completely ignorant and stupid!
Wibble: :3
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: NO!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: u cant
Wibble: Well, you can't have a nuke...
Wibble: :P
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: can too
Wibble: Well then, I have an impenetrable *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD!_
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: IMPOSSIBLE
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: USO!
Wibble: So?
Wibble: If you have a nuke, I can have a *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD!_

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