Saturday, September 29, 2007

Assembly III...Yes, there must be a follow up.

I think its quite nice to sell magazines, earn free stuff, and help out your school financially all AT THE SAME TIME!

Ok, you really sound like a marketing person there. Here we go. First off, the prizes are not free. They require your time and effort, and pretty much your money before you may obtain them. That means not free. And so therefore, that means not worth it. And help our school financially? They don't need this. I can see several major ways to cut costs and modernize schools at the same time. For example, textbooks should be made available on the internet, rather than in actual textbooks. Our history texts are already on the internet in complete form, which shows that it obviously can be done. If every single textbook was digitized this way, the schools wouldn't have to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on these things. Enough people have internet. We don't have to live like bloody savages and use books to learn our classes.

"They just have that high-colored backside of the prize sheet in order to hype up the students in the fundraiser."

The prize sheet that I happened to tear into shreds in front of my first period class, yes.

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