Thursday, September 20, 2007


Don't mind Wibs over there :3
He's just roiling with emotion and angst.

I bet he really loves his parents alot, after all...

The more you ruv someone, the mole you want to kirr them...
The more you ruv someone, the mole they make you cly...


Wibs said...

"Roiling with emotion"?
The hell? I hate them as people. If I had friends like them...well, they wouldn't be friends.

Daniel said...

Hate=emotion, no?

What's wrong with emotion?

Wibs said...

Oh, sorries. Lack of elaboration.
"Roiling with emotion" implies excess. :3 My hate is not excess. It's just hate. And there's nothing wrong with it. :3

Daniel said...

It's not's RUV.

Wibs said...

*shrug* Still expressed as hate. Who cares? Future regret doesn't matter...I kin just kill 'em nao.

I'm Brian said...