As of now, this blog is officially on hiatus. Possibly indefinitely. Go away.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I felt the need to make a blog post......but I really have nothing to say. G'day.
Posted by
10:45 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Lately, I've been fairly interested in several webcomics...Here are a few. Some are discontinued, like Staccato, but they're still all right.
Staccato Comic
Trunks and Soto
VG Cats
Penny Arcade
Fork You
Posted by
3:44 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Le Gasp
I r bax...Been caught up in...stuff. Yeah, stuff. But nao I has to go.
I r goneee~
Note from Wibs: Yeah, go vamoose your ass off. Dan's been involved in a relationship, so, yeah, he's been spending more time with friends too. Brian's gone too, now that I've mentioned Dan's hiatus. Uh, expect them to be back in a few weeks or so.
Note from Wibs: *pooof*
I r goneee~
Taken from usagispeak. Copyright 2007 baka.bunni
Posted by
10:59 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Stupidity shields.
I think this conversation was worthy of a blog post. Have fun~
Wibble: So uh
Wibble: Listening to any muzik?
Wibble: *poke*
Wibble: *puts on stupidity shield*
Wibble: *poke*
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: nope
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: i'm watching a movie
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: stab
Wibble: What movee?
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Death Note 2
Wibble: *stupidity shield absorbs*
Wibble: o_O
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: nukes
Wibble: Sounds...uh....murderous.
Wibble: o_O
Wibble: *stupidity shield absorbs*
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: its pretty good i think
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: and it cant aborb that
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: i thnk the manga was better
Wibble: Can too!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Can not!
Wibble: It's a *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD_!!!!
Wibble: Can too!
Wibble: They're stupidity shields!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Can not!
Wibble: Nothing can get past ignorance!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: ur stoopid!
Wibble: Exactly!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: can too!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: u DIE cuz of stupidity
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: so its the opposite!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: STOOPID
Wibble: No...
Wibble: My stupidity shield protects me from death.
Wibble: :3
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: Yes...
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: no
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: ur stoopid
Wibble: Yep.
Wibble: Exactly.
Wibble: That's why I have a
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: NO!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: -__________-"
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: dont even say it
Wibble: *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD!_
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: >.>
Wibble: x]
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: those are defective!!!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: they dont work!!!!!!
Wibble: Not mine
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: especially urs
Wibble: Because I'm completely ignorant and stupid!
Wibble: :3
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: NO!
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: u cant
Wibble: Well, you can't have a nuke...
Wibble: :P
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: can too
Wibble: Well then, I have an impenetrable *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD!_
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: IMPOSSIBLE
Murderer A.K.A. Postal Worker: USO!
Wibble: So?
Wibble: If you have a nuke, I can have a *da-da-da-DUM* _STUPIDITY SHIELD!_
Posted by
9:32 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Mandatory homework...
is absolute Jesus Christ monkeyfucking bullshit. Oy, teachers, don't give a shit about whether your students are getting enough concept practice. Leave their education in their own hands, would you? Seriously, sometimes we don't need fucking practice of what you taught. Maybe your fucking lecture already stuck everything into our minds? Eventually, if they start failing the class, they might be smart enough to know they need to review and do homework each night. If they don't, then they're not goddamn intelligent enough to be in the goddamn class.
And to those teachers who say stuff like, "I don't want you to fail this class," their grade doesn't affect you in any way. If you think you're a failure if one of your students gets a bad grade, blame it on them because it's their goddamn fault. It's their responsibility to ask questions if they don't understand something and to do homework if they need to. The rest of us might not; we absorb everything from your lectures. And if you just want them to get a high grade so they're happy, don't give them something they don't deserve. They're probably old and mature enough to know the amount of effort they put into tests, classwork, and such.
Oh, also, fuck requirement by law. If you're too pussy to make homework non-mandatory, then don't check it. Now, the law doesn't say you have to check it, do you? And since you didn't check it, you don't have to put it in the goddamn gradebook. Grades are for tests and classwork. Got that? Good. Now go kick some ass like Benton.
Posted by
4:18 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Weekly Album Feature
Ok, I've decide that I shall do a weekly album feature, where, obviously, I feature an album every week. So....this week's album is....
A remix album of their breakthrough album, Hybrid Theory, it was released in mid-2002 while Linkin Park was on tour. Quite different from the angsty nu-metal sound of Hybrid Theory, Reanimation largely features the work of rappers and DJs and such. This gives the album a dark hip-hop/electronic mood. If you are a fan of Hybrid Theory but wish it had more of the aforementioned hip-hop or electronic themes, or just like those themes in general, you should definitely give this album a try.
Posted by
6:51 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Tank Man
Almost two decades ago, the horrible Tiananmen Massacre occurred. Thousands of demonstrators and students were mercilessly killed, most of whom were actually in the city of Beijing, not Tiananmen itself. After the massive crowd of demonstrators had been dispersed, one man rose in defiance against a column of tanks. His actions changed the world, but no one knows what became of him after his act of courage.
This documentary is about that man. (It's about 1 hour 15 minutes long.)
Posted by
4:20 PM
1. Censorship
Note from Daniel: Ayup. Blogspot is banned too.
2. Attacking citizens; Tiananmen
3. Focusing on military instead of farmers/peasants
FUCKING COMMIES. [elaboration to come]
Posted by
12:02 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Bump: Assembly....urk...
So, I just returned home from school. And let me tell you, I did NOT have a good morning. We had an assembly today for the annual fundraiser, and it was absolutely ass-backwards-retarded. Ok, so the guy doing the assembly was very enthusiastic, and I understand that. He did his job just fine[albeit with his head stuck up his ass~Wibs].But the problem is this: Ok, so to entice us to sell crap for fundraising, we get these prizes depending on how many things we sell. BUT. THE DAMN PRIZES SUCK ASS. SE. RI. OUS. LY.
- "Oooh look! If you sell three things you get a freaking FAKE TATTOO!!!!" Ok seriously man, a fake tattoo?! That's just so retarded I don't even want to talk about it. Actually, that would mean I wouldn't want to talk about anything else here either.
- "Sell a bit more and you get a BEDROOM DOOR ALARM! OMG!" At this point, a small portion of the sixth graders were beginning to get riled up and excited. I, (and many of my friends) was just becoming less and less amused. No one needs this crap. If you catch a sibling in your room, just land a few good ones on them and that should teach them to stay out forever. No need to get a door alarm that beeps and is easy to bypass.Who says you need to turn the doorknob to open the door? The credit card trick'll get past that really nicely and quickly.
- "Next is the Mini Webcam!!! You can take up to 64 pictures and put 'em on your computer!" Now the sixth graders are getting really excited. A few of the seventh graders also started jumping up and down like idiots too. Have these fools ever heard of webcams before?! Why the hell are these retards screaming with desire for a webcam? Seriously. Even worse, when he showed us a short demo of its "capabilities" (more like deficiencies), the resolution was absolutely HORRIBLE. Yep, he definitely got THAT thing from the dollar store.
- "Liek omg, nao we have our freakin MP3 PLAYERS!!!! WOO!" At this point all the sixth and seventh graders had absolutely lost their minds. I was prepared to euthanize all of them, as it surely was painful being so retarded. We had no choice. We were the only sane ones left. Seriously. There was no doubt that these were those really crappy bootleg MP3 players I see all over the place when I go to China. Yep, sure enough, the interface was copied right off of the iPod, complete with THE SAME EXACT MENU CHOICES. Ugh. Disgustarific.
- As we went up to the high level prizes, consisting of actually desirable things such as Xboxes, Wiis, and PS3's (not so sure about the desirable part on that last one x3), one thing struck me that those previously marked as insane obviously didn't realize. These prizes aren't worth the trouble! Nobody in their right mind (then again there were few people who actually retained their sanity, namely US) is going to sell 100 magazines (roughly $2,000 worth) just to get an absolutely horrible cellphone and one year of service. Nor are they going to sell 150 (or was it 200? I don't know. I shredded up the prize sheet upon receiving it because I was that pissed) magazines for a MacBook which they don't mention is the cheapest model. But oh, all those people screaming at the top of their lungs in excitement don't REALIZE THAT!
Note from Wibs: By the way, you forgot to mention the people who thought up the lame "theme" had their heads stuck up their asses. "Mission Possible" lame is that?
RE: Note from Wibs: Oh yeah huh...I guess I was just too steamed to remember that part...
Posted by
2:55 PM
the non-believer....shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhunnnnnnnnn.....
[in response to Assembly II]
Posted by
1:50 PM
Assembly III...Yes, there must be a follow up.
I think its quite nice to sell magazines, earn free stuff, and help out your school financially all AT THE SAME TIME!
Ok, you really sound like a marketing person there. Here we go. First off, the prizes are not free. They require your time and effort, and pretty much your money before you may obtain them. That means not free. And so therefore, that means not worth it. And help our school financially? They don't need this. I can see several major ways to cut costs and modernize schools at the same time. For example, textbooks should be made available on the internet, rather than in actual textbooks. Our history texts are already on the internet in complete form, which shows that it obviously can be done. If every single textbook was digitized this way, the schools wouldn't have to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on these things. Enough people have internet. We don't have to live like bloody savages and use books to learn our classes.
"They just have that high-colored backside of the prize sheet in order to hype up the students in the fundraiser."
The prize sheet that I happened to tear into shreds in front of my first period class, yes.
Posted by
11:57 AM
Assembly II
Well, Daniel. You have to admit, they played their part well. Remember, its not THEM that are idiotic, its the students. The people who make the fund raising activity are actually quite intelligent. They realize that the kids will go crazy over such mundane prizes, and take advantage of them.
(PS. Redwood is late, Colina already finished our fundraiser 2 weeks ago.)
(You're also in for a video "Mission Possible, Daily Announcement" every day!)
Anyways, I quite enjoyed the Assembly, me and my friends laughed alot, while we were verbally abusing the assembly host's enthusiasm together. As for the prizes, the fundraising company doesn't actually EXPECT for kids to sell over 40 orders anyways. They just have that high-colored backside of the prize sheet in order to hype up the students in the fundraiser. I do not think the prizes are all the bad, heck, you get them for free! I think its quite nice to sell magazines, earn free stuff, and help out your school financially all AT THE SAME TIME!
(I like to think of the fundraiser as a pyramid scheme.) ^^
Posted by
I'm Brian
10:18 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
So, I just returned home from school. And let me tell you, I did NOT have a good morning. We had an assembly today for the annual fundraiser, and it was absolutely ass-backwards-retarded. Ok, so the guy doing the assembly was very enthusiastic, and I understand that. He did his job just fine[albeit with his head stuck up his ass~Wibs].But the problem is this: Ok, so to entice us to sell crap for fundraising, we get these prizes depending on how many things we sell. BUT. THE DAMN PRIZES SUCK ASS. SE. RI. OUS. LY.
- "Oooh look! If you sell three things you get a freaking FAKE TATTOO!!!!" Ok seriously man, a fake tattoo?! That's just so retarded I don't even want to talk about it. Actually, that would mean I wouldn't want to talk about anything else here either.
- "Sell a bit more and you get a BEDROOM DOOR ALARM! OMG!" At this point, a small portion of the sixth graders were beginning to get riled up and excited. I, (and many of my friends) was just becoming less and less amused. No one needs this crap. If you catch a sibling in your room, just land a few good ones on them and that should teach them to stay out forever. No need to get a door alarm that beeps and is easy to bypass.Who says you need to turn the doorknob to open the door? The credit card trick'll get past that really nicely and quickly.
- "Next is the Mini Webcam!!! You can take up to 64 pictures and put 'em on your computer!" Now the sixth graders are getting really excited. A few of the seventh graders also started jumping up and down like idiots too. Have these fools ever heard of webcams before?! Why the hell are these retards screaming with desire for a webcam? Seriously. Even worse, when he showed us a short demo of its "capabilities" (more like deficiencies), the resolution was absolutely HORRIBLE. Yep, he definitely got THAT thing from the dollar store.
- "Liek omg, nao we have our freakin MP3 PLAYERS!!!! WOO!" At this point all the sixth and seventh graders had absolutely lost their minds. I was prepared to euthanize all of them, as it surely was painful being so retarded. We had no choice. We were the only sane ones left. Seriously. There was no doubt that these were those really crappy bootleg MP3 players I see all over the place when I go to China. Yep, sure enough, the interface was copied right off of the iPod, complete with THE SAME EXACT MENU CHOICES. Ugh. Disgustarific.
- As we went up to the high level prizes, consisting of actually desirable things such as Xboxes, Wiis, and PS3's (not so sure about the desirable part on that last one x3), one thing struck me that those previously marked as insane obviously didn't realize. These prizes aren't worth the trouble! Nobody in their right mind (then again there were few people who actually retained their sanity, namely US) is going to sell 100 magazines (roughly $2,000 worth) just to get an absolutely horrible cellphone and one year of service. Nor are they going to sell 150 (or was it 200? I don't know. I shredded up the prize sheet upon receiving it because I was that pissed) magazines for a MacBook which they don't mention is the cheapest model. But oh, all those people screaming at the top of their lungs in excitement don't REALIZE THAT!
Note from Wibs: By the way, you forgot to mention the people who thought up the lame "theme" had their heads stuck up their asses. "Mission Possible" lame is that?
RE: Note from Wibs: Oh yeah huh...I guess I was just too steamed to remember that part...
Posted by
3:56 PM
Labels: angry, assembly, fundraiser, magazine, penspinning, prize, rant, retard, sparta
Moar Penspinning...
I see Dan described his experiences with penspinning. He started, what, 2 days ago? 4 days or so for me. So, uh, my "pen" is 10.5" long, roughly. Two Foray 0.5mm black gel pen barrels, attached together by some random-ass grip. Double Foray grips on each end, one stuck on the cap and one where the grip normally is. Inside the barrels, I have two cartridges because I like the rattling, and another random-ass cheap pen grip for more weight. I like my pens heavy. :D The weight around the outside keeps it spinning nice and smoothly, not too responsive., for Daniel's rant on the assembly today created by people with their heads up their asses. Back to you, Dan.
Note from Daniel: One day ago >.>
Posted by
3:49 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
It calls to me....the triple titty wankophone (fingerpass) shall be mastered...and soon after, the double diddly wankophone (thumbaround)...
My penmod is 7.75", any longer and it hits my thumb during triple titty wankophone. It has a nice weight balance with two grips on both ends, a fat grip in the center, no cartridge, and a Sarasa barrel (rough equivalent to a Pilot G-2)
If you don't penspin you probably have no idea what I just said x3
Posted by
11:13 PM
Labels: fingerpass, penmod, penspinning, thumbaround
Still homework...
And messing around with pen mods. I made a 10.5" one. 5 grips, 2 barrels, one stick o' fun.
Posted by
8:03 PM
Homework... 7:21 AM. Great. Stupid independent reading project. >>
Posted by
7:20 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Rawr, I don't like explaining myself; neither do I like Brian explaining myself for me.
Okay, so, why are celebrities so important to society? There's really nothing to idolize...I mean, you could probably find somebody just as nice who's an average person. Fame isn't really something to go for; why do you care about attention? Not like there's any real use for it, unless you have a really big ego to satisfy. Okay, so we've established that the majority of people who read up on celebrity "news" are not idolizing them. From experience, I know that most people like scandals, to watch the big guys fall down - hard. So, juicy celebrity gossip serves no purpose to readers except for readers to feel satisfaction at people losing their track in life? Wow, heartless. That's why I see celebrity "news" as completely useless. Now follow the directions below.
Posted by
7:27 PM
Followup to Wib's Celebrity post
There was once a quote that stated, "We know what every celebrity is doing, who they are dating, and who they just broke up with. But we still cannot find Osama Bin Laden."
Analyzing this quote, I find it very insane. This shows what most snobby humans are like. We want to know about EVERYTHING of this celeb gossip. Who CARES about these so-called celebrities? They're just people, like you and me. Who CARES if one of them breaks up with another one? It doesn't make the top stories if I break up with someone. It doesn't make the top stories if I went to bed with someone. You might say, "I don't read those idiotic stories." But the truth is, most people do. If nobody gave a crap about this mindless gossip, PEOPLE and all those other magazines would go out of buisness.
While on the topic of celebrities, I want to express my feelings about THEM. Why do celebrities have to date OTHER celebrities? It makes no sense whatsoever. Many celebs are cruel and snobby, which narrows down the selection of people alot. Then, there's only a handful to choose from. And that handful might be nice, but they might not be the right people for the celebrity. They could just date some normal people that they actually LIKE, instead of dating another celebrity to further enhance their popularity. ALSO, celebrities can't seem to hang onto a date for longer than a week. Every day you see "So and so, broke up with so, and so!". The next, you see, "So and so got together with so and so! This is going to be a HOT relationship!". Screw snobby celebrities.
There, I got it out of my system. Back to scripting.
Posted by
I'm Brian
7:13 PM

So, what do you do when some fucktard goes around yelling OMGSPAZZMILEYCYRUSISPREGNANT??!!?!?!?! Kick them in the balls if they're a disgrace to men, and pussy punt them if they're women. If they're still conscious, land a good ol' one-two to the face, and scream "WHO THE FUCK CARES," in their ear.
Still conscious? Weakling. Slap them around the face; most likely they'll be on the floor by now. Good, now slam your heel somewhere. Face, neck, chest, balls again, take your pick. Crushing fingers is acceptable too. And remember, kids, it's not just you, you're saving the rest of sane society from these asses.
Posted by
7:00 PM
Utada Hikaru
So, over the summer I've kinda picked up a strong liking towards the Japanese language. Partially because in Japanese, Pokemon is actually watchable. Here in the U.S. it's just kid's crap. But mostly it was because the high school I plan on going to pretty much has Spanish, French, Chinese, and Japanese. I struck Spanish and French down instantly, and Chinese was out as the class was going to be extremely boring review for me, not to mention I'm going to Chinese School every Saturday already. That left Japanese. I had been somewhat interested in it but this was the final factor in deciding which language to pursue in addition to English and Chinese.
Then my friend (we shall refer to her as 馬鹿ウサギ) referred me to Utada Hikaru. She's a J-Pop artist (she's Japanese, obviously). Since us Americans occupied Japan after WWII, many American influences trickled into Japanese culture, and J-pop is one such example. (After all, who listens to stuff besides American-influenced music? NO ONE!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! *arrogantAmerican*) Sure, I can only understand like two or three words in the lyrics, but like many J-pop artists she throws in English words.
But here's the difference between Utada and the others. She's American born, so she actually knows what she's doing with that. Not like some random "YEAH!" or "SHIT!" thrown in randomly, totally out of context, that I hear all the time if I ever listen to other J-Pop (it's even more prevalent in C-Pop). Anyways, I have to cut this post shorter than I planned because I have a large amount of homework to do. Damn bloody savages.
Add-on (9.26.07): Well, she also has an album entirely in English! Not to mention while singing in English I hear a large resemblance between her voice and Evanescence's singer, Amy Lee. :O
(P.S. She's hot too. Bonus!)
Posted by
4:12 PM
Labels: high school, homework, j-pop, japanese, utada hikaru
Violintremover time. >> Be back at seven-ish. Ooh, FoxyTunes option.
Now playing: Connecting...
via FoxyTunes
Posted by
4:05 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
I'm with Dan on this one...
Down with Halo 3 fanboys and -girls.
Posted by
10:00 PM
Halo 3
So, today is the day before Halo 3 comes out. And it's been horribly annoying. No, not annoying as in OMFGICANTWAITANYLONGERHALO3COMESOUTTOMORROW
*fangirlsqueal* (Fangirl chosen over fanboy for extra effect), but annoying as in I've had twelve goddamn people ask me (yes, I counted) if they can come over to my house tomorrow to play it. Ok people, there's two big problems here.
- A: 12 people come over to my house on a day with school the next day. With my parents, yeah right. Plus, I wouldn't want that either. I actually have to get my homework done, mkay?
- B: NO, I'M NOT GETTING HALO 3 THE DAY IT COMES OUT, OR FOR A FEW MONTHS FOR THAT MATTER. I'm NOT sucked up into they hype machine. Right. It's a video game. It's fun, sure, but I'm not the kind of person to rush out and get a game. More like I'd rush out to buy a new album (By the way, 2008, new Coldplay and Three Days Grace albums :3)
There. I've gotten it out. I'm not angry anymore. Thanks for reading.
Posted by
6:23 PM
Labels: angry, coldplay, halo 3, rant, three days grace
Pen Spinning
Rawr, so close, yet so far. Go away. Trying to learn FingerPass. Go get Daniel or Brian to post. >>
Note from Daniel: That thumbspin or whatever it's called is now known as "double diddly wankophone".
Posted by
4:18 PM
People I hate- Week 1
Okay, this is my new weekly contribution. This list will say 3 types of people that I hate- WEEKLY!
The list:
1. People who come up to me and ask, "Can you speak some 'Asian' for me?".
2. People who think they're *so* smart just because they are in honors.
3. Emos.
Note from Wibs: This should go in the sidebar...or can you not do that? :P Additionally, didn't you pretend to be emo once? And then Mike came and pressed down so you actually almost cut yourself?
Note from Daniel: Man that's like so Catholic, hating alternate lifestyles.
Posted by
I'm Brian
4:08 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Analysis of Super Smash Bros...
Ok, so, this is like the staple game for the Gamecube and maybe even the Wii, kinda like rice is for us Asians and to some extent Mexicans. It's very fun, but as all things go, it's not perfect. For this "rant", I shall focus mainly on a few characters I have a bone to pick with. Mostly from my own incompetence, but that's still a good enough reason to complain.
First off, there's Yoshi. A tap of the B button will wrap you in a very hard to control egg, sending you bounding across the countryside that takes a huge amount of skill (which I lack) to not die from. This + shitty third party controllers = not fun.
Next up, Bowser. I just hate heavy characters, and Bowser is probably the reason why. Not to mention he's always at the very bottom of the tier lists. Ugh...I don't even want to talk about it. Let's move on.
Ah, now we've come to Mr. Game and Watch. Sure, he's a pretty good character, and I kinda like him (especially his spike attack), but he's absolutely bizzare. Sausages! Chair! Scuba helmet...? Pump??? Creepy.
Finally, there's Roy and Marth. Oh wait, they kick ass...never mind :3
Posted by
9:49 PM
Labels: rant, super smash
Rawr. Dan and I decked the blog out with some new stuff. Now you see a guestbook, chatterbox, polls - weekly if we can manage them - and three columns. Sign our guestbook or die.
EDIT: Gweh, Dan doesn't like the tagboard. D:
EDIT: The tagboard is dead.
Posted by
5:17 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Worst School Scenario: Day 1
Scenario: You're running late for school. On this day, your alarm clock didn't go off because Daniel came to your house and bashed it with a hammer. You miss the bus. On the way out, a seam splits in your backpack. Your homework falls out. And on cue to Murphy's law, your dog comes in and eats it. Now you think, "Oh feces, my teacher isn't going to believe that!". But you have more pressing matters on your mind, you must get to school. Today is the English final. With a groan, you remember that the homework you lost was Ms. Cheng's, your obscenely strict Asian English teacher. What are you to do? How will you get to school on time, with 20 miles and 2 minutes left? Then how will you get your homework done, before your teacher re-arranges the general shape of your buttocks with her paddle? Time is running out!
Solution: You probably value the shape of your buttocks, and wish to enjoy a wince-free life, and the un-rawness of your rear end brings out the best in people. An idea suddenly strikes you, albeit a painful one. Nevertheless, you take your emo brother's 210 deluxe knife set, and select the pointiest one. Trying not to think about the pain you will be experiencing in a few moments, you plunge the knife and slit, slit, slit. No effect whatsoever. You ponder, and it comes in a flash. You cut your carotid artery, shame on you. You should've remembered that you have no brain to damage. Fuming, you decide to take some theater advice. You proceed to break a leg, literally. You thrust open the window of the second story, and jump out, trying to land on your feet, fracturing that area of the body, and no lasting harm done. But only cats always land on their feet. Humans always land headfirst. Ouch. You crack your skull, and end up in the hospital critical list for 3 weeks. It was a painful procedure, and you lost 80 IQ points. Guess you're in the negatives now. But the deed was done, and you finished your homework! (and retained the shape of your butt cheeks)
(Do not try this at home.)
Posted by
I'm Brian
10:12 PM
Labels: Random Stuff Brian
Our Contributors.
Alright, let's recap.
- Daniel
- Does most of the satire.
- Rants occasionally.
- Life.
- Tongue-in-cheek.
- Wibs
- Rants.
- Explicit language.
- Hate.
- Angst.
- Abrupt.
- Brian
- Sick, perverted humor.
- Fatness.
- Rambling.
Posted by
8:21 PM
Birthday Party (With a Side of Death)
So, I just got back from a surprise birthday party, involving much spazzing, victimization, pain, and death (not all mine). Much soda was thrown at others, a sweatshirt was stolen, 60 sticks of gum were consumed, and all attending are probably now poisoned by that sickening effect on the stomach given by gum+soda+chips+swings.
A tablet was given to the birthday girl, resulting in an immediate *spazzdie*.
It was promptly named "Tabii".
After 5 hours of getting smacked, sitting, waiting, jumping off swings, and talking, we finally returned home.
And now I'm making this post.
At least I'm still alive.
Anyway, a friggin' happy tackleglompin' (?) birthday to baka.bunni, a.k.a. Karen.
Posted by
6:47 PM
Welcome Brian to the blog...
Apparently, he likes doing stuff for laughs. Meet our comedy section.
Last year, I got bored in wood shop, so I decided to write a song for some laughs. (Hoorah!)
But now, faced with the prospect of this blog, I decide to post it here due to lack of anything interesting to write. The sanity ends here.
(And I don't use as much "questionable language" as the others here.)
Note from Daniel: I don't use much, it's all Wibs :(
(I am not responsible for any personal injuries, attemted suicide, burning of the eyes, etc. while reading/as an outcome of this poem.)
I am not emo
As others might say
But I cannot deny it
I am truly gay
I do not cut myself
As others may
That is because I am not emo
But I am gay
When a hot girl talks to me
I do not run away
This shows that I am not emo
But I am gay!
Religion is a lie.
No God is likely to exist. Religions are lies. Heaven and Hell most likely do not exist. Fuck religion. Atheism for the win.
Posted by
1:16 PM
Chinese, Hebrew, etc. schools.
Oh, they say, "Be proud of your heritage!" We've had our heritage fucking shoved on us, and you're telling us to respect it? Go get people who actually want to learn Hebrew or Chinese or'll actually serve a purpose.
Note from Daniel: I wanna learn Chinese, but not from that shit-wad school of ours >.>
Friday, September 21, 2007
My Neighbors the Yu's
My Neighbors the Yu's by *JohnSu on deviantART
<3 :DDDD
Posted by
11:06 PM
Labels: Deviantart, flash, John Su, My Neighbors the Yu's
Rain, rain, fuck away...
Well, SoCal has had its first rain in quite a while. Whee. That + the cable outage today makes me very Goth today. And no, I don't care that I'm fucking using a stereotype. Go fuck yourself if you feel like sending me hate mail. In fact, go ahead anyways. I'm sure your left hand deserves the exercise. In case you've already done that today, go ahead and send me your hate mail at After you do that, go jack off again to your oh-so-ingenious argument.
Posted by
9:23 PM
Guns, Knives, Syringes, and Cars, Oh My!
So, you hear it on the news all day, and you see it pasted all over your school's rules. Weapons are BAD. Well, gentle readers, I am here to prove them WRONG :3. First off, guns are good :D. I mean seriously, they KILL stuff! Wheeeee!!! Nothing's more fun than seeing those bullets shoot out in excess of 1200 feet per second and tearing up the flesh of little forest animals! Or people if you so desire. Next up, knives! That feeling of that blade sinking into stuff, be it a block of cake, cheese, or FLESH, is unbelievably fun~~~~!!!!! Practice with jelly donuts and move up the ladder :3.
Somewhat equal to knives in shankage are syringes! Commonly used to administer medicine and, uh, other substances, you can just inject someone with a healthy amount of water, and watch their blood pressure rise! (Maybe you get to see them explode!!!) Finally, we've come to cars! Oh boy! Screw cars, get a truck cab and drive on the sidewalk in Times Square! Here's a game you can play! Try to time the thumps you hear from running something over to the beat of a song!!!! Yeaaaaa!!!! *spazzdie*
Note from Wibs: If you have none of these weapons at hand, you could always go postal with fists. The crunching of bones can be satisfying as well.
Pissed? It's satire.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Don't mind Wibs over there :3
He's just roiling with emotion and angst.
I bet he really loves his parents alot, after all...
The more you ruv someone, the mole you want to kirr them...
The more you ruv someone, the mole they make you cly...
Posted by
9:31 PM
Labels: Avenue Q, The More You Ruv Someone, Youtube
So. Parents. One of the most hated things in teenage life. So, what do they do, exactly?
- Rail atcha. They get pissed at the slightest slip. Slow to pick-up after school by 5 minutes? 20-minute-long rant on the car-ride home.
- Be fucking commies. Yup, that's right. Spending a little too much time on homework? Internet restrictions. A schedule posted everywhere in the house. Hourly checkups on what you're fucking doing.
- Be completely ignorant. African-Americans moved in? Tell ya to stay away from them drug dealers. Internet not working? Reformat the computer. They also make pretty ignorant assumptions. If I ask for money to donate to a fund for a female's birthday, they immediately jump on the topic of <3. Douches, ain't they?
- Whine and demand. Yup, this stereotype is usually restricted to us teenagers. But what do they do? "Skip grades! I want to retire early! Turn down the lights! Shower early! Get a scholarship! Do this! Do that!"
- Be stubbornly biased. Combined with their ignorance, this makes them complete douches. Mine, for example, refuse to let me listen to music during homework. Why? It's supposedly "distracting" when personally it focuses for me. Opinion much?
- Antiquated views. Asian parents usually believe in some old-age superstition and other stuff. OOH, YOU MUST NOT GIVE CLOCKS TO PEOPLE OR DEY WILL DIEEEEEE.
Welcome to Exunctly, a blog co-authored by two dumbasses. We will decide what our blog will focus on later, if there is a focus.
Posted by
8:48 PM